Saturday 22 June 2019

House of the Flies

I’m being haunted by flies. On Sunday evening I took a whack at a fly that was buzzing around the window. It was a hit in mid-air but he did lie still on the windowsill afterwards. I used a newspaper to scoop him up and I put his body in the wastepaper basket. Then on Monday I saw another fly sitting on the windowsill. So I scooped him up with the newspaper and put him in the wastepaper basket then I wondered if it was the same fly. He might have regained consciousness and decided for a second attempt at freedom. But a quick wiggle of the wastepaper basket clearly showed me two flies. Today there was another fly on the windowsill. I didn’t check the wastepaper basket this time but clearly something is going on. Have I killed the Queen of the fly hive and all her minions have come back to either mourn her or haunt me?  

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