Sunday 5 August 2018

Wadworth Treacle Treat in Lichfield

This beer sounds quite enticing. It has sweet flavours of treacle to entice the senses of what would normally be a brown ale or stout. The pump clip is quite novel as well. It’s portrayed as a dark Halloween treat, and we did indeed visit Lichfield close to the time of the hallows. Unfortunately, memory is a bit fuzzy and I’ve no idea which pub I drank it in. The town was quite wet and dark, so photos of pub exteriors aren’t going to help. The photo app suggests that the venue was in Market Street but there’s also two Cask Marque pubs in that street and I haven’t scanned any of them. Of course, they could have been unaccredited at the time. The venue may have also shut its doors in recent months. But whatever the venue, it must have been somewhere particularly unnoteworthy if it had no unique features for me to recall. Or maybe it was the quality of the beer that erased it from my mind.

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