Sunday 12 August 2018

An Anti-Satanic Communist Enters 7/11

I’m in 7/11 buying a soda when in he comes. A big, bald black man in a red t-shirt and open brown jacket on his mobile. He’s wearing shorts and carrying a plastic bag, and he’s going about his business microwaving his convenience foods while talking into his phone very loudly. He’s very concerned about the devil. Whether he’s sending a curse to someone or complaining to someone about the products on offer, we shall never know. He could have been a catholic priest on call. There’s a small group of kids hiding from him around the corner all giggling and trying to decide whether to film him or just stay out of his way. Meanwhile, the staff are trying to their job and charge him so that they can get him out but he keeps walking off to other areas of the store to get more stuff. I paid and left as soon as I could.

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