Tuesday 28 August 2018

I spot a rat

There’s something rotten in the state of the warehouse. It’s setting off the alarm. At first we thought it might have been a small bird who got in while the backdoor was open and hasn’t managed to escape yet. Then on one callout I found a bag of rubbish left by the back door that had been chewed through. That made us believe that we’ve got rats. A ratcatcher got called in and set up these gigantic comedic traps that make me worry since they’re very close to where we park our delivery cages. He’s also blocked up a hole in the wall with metal foil that he believes that they’ve chewed through. Ever since then, there’s been no alarm callouts. We think the rat got stuck in one of the outside traps, but the ratcatcher still comes in regularly to have a poke around. I just wish he’d get rid of these giant mouse traps before someone has an accident.

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