Monday 6 August 2018

Expired Eats

There’s currently mixed thinking of the expiry dates of food and when certain items should be eaten. We had a bottle of extra-virgin-olive-oil in the shelf but we only ever used it when we wanted to soften up the ear wax trapped in our ears. It’s probably a bad thing that we used expired oil to do this, but it’s too late now. We googled the shelf life and the consensus was that we should get a new bottle, especially as it’s going in a dipping sauce. But now there’s all sorts of differing storage methods. Apples need to be refrigerated unless they’ve been grown in a hot climate and need to ripen beforehand. Bananas are a no unless they’ve already ripened. Potatoes are apparently a no because the starch turns into sugar, though I don’t like my spuds to be too bitter. And tomatoes harden and lose their flavour. But ultimately it all boils down to how much room you’ve got in your kitchen.

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