Sunday 26 August 2018

The Interview

Good morning Sir, please note that I’ve requested this time to allow you to get some work done in the morning so that we can settle down to focus on having a nice chat without distractions of lunch or preparing to go home. I’ve had a nice casual chat with you on our walk to the interview room. I’ve worn a suit and tie and my shoes are polished, so you can see that this interview is important to me, and I am of a smart appearance. I’ve prepared some key phases for you. Teamwork. Key Performance Indicators.  Increasing sales. Please note that my body has good posture and I’ve made slow but not too exaggerated hand gestures. I’ve remained pleasant and I’ve maintained good eye contact at all times. I’ve spoken clearly in an enthusiastic manner that is easy understand. I’ve shaken your hand as I left and made some more small talk after the questions that I’ve prepared. So why won’t you give me the fucking job?

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