Saturday 18 August 2018

Swallows & Amazons

This film was a delight to watch. I really enjoyed its child-like wonder portrayed by the creativity of the Jackson children in a time of great stress for the family. It was a bit far-fetched to see the KGB agents invade the English Lakes, but Andrew Scott pulls it off as always, and I suppose they needed some war-like conflict to draw the crowds onto the big screen. Rafe Joseph Spall’s performance was a bit over emphasised and he didn’t really need to be that overdramatic. It would have also been good to have had some background with the Amazon children who just suddenly appeared and somehow managed to get hold of a gun. I loved the banter between the adults and the children; especially with Mrs. Jackson who was overcritical towards everybody and saw through the idleness of the children. It was a film of great childhood innocence without any sexual references or anyone trying to outdo each other.

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