Saturday 11 August 2018

Pub Crisps

Pig snacks are a great way to keep you going on a pub crawl; but if you’re forking out for a bag at every other pub then you’re in trouble and you should really avoid that big meal at the end of the night. It can also be quite expensive, but when you’re on the go you don’t really have another choice unless you can convince the group to give you a breather and catch up with you later. And it’s usually those high-end market crisps that cost towards £2 a bag. Of course, they’re big bags and you’re supposed to share them but that’s never enough. So you then have to buy different flavours to keep the others entertained; but they all decline politely as they’ve had massive meals before you all came out. Or you’re that hungry that you devour the entire packet right before your friends’ eyes. Then they get envious and suggest the next stop should be for a kebab or somewhere that serves curry.

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