Tuesday 7 August 2018

Tiny Rebel Beat Box at the Whippet Inn, Lichfield

This is one pub that I may remember going to, though the memory is very similar to a micropub that I visited in Liverpool. There’s an open lobby with a chequered floor pattern. Beyond this was small bar and there may have been a long table on the opposite side. It may have been used for a barber shop or beauty salon. In the corner there were several comfy seats upon which I perched to decide where to go to next. I did stay here for two beers because there were a good number of our group popping in and out, so it was good to try and find out where they’d been and where they planned to go to next.  I also stayed for the beer ticks as you don’t get to see this beer around often. It’s a strange name for a pub, though a Whippet is a smaller greyhound and perhaps that’s why it’s fitting.

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