Saturday 4 August 2018

Plastic Problems

The Daily Mail has proudly proclaimed in its headliner last week that it’s the saviour of the environment. Its illustrious front page boasted of a ten-year campaign to introduce a levy on plastic bags to reduce the harm on our environment and encourage people to act greener. Its story was that it had changed the thinking habits of the consumer. Then the following week we all got a kick in the teeth; the green bins that we’ve been told to use for decades to recycle is going straight to landfill. It’s hardly surprising when you think about it; as surely councils should receive an income for selling our recycled waste. But the cutbacks continue and it turns out that we’ve all been wasting our time scrubbing out our dinner trays. As usual we’ve trusted the foreigners to do our dirty work for us by exporting it, only for it to be dumped into rivers overseas. It’s about time we did it ourselves.

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