Friday 24 August 2018

Drone Attack #dreamdiary 60 #doctorwho

Digby approached the murder scene. A thin layer of blue and white police tape was staked all around the outside of the trailer unit in the cool, soft, white snow. As he approached the steps leading inside he could see a thin layer of blood on the ground. As he reached for the tape to lift it up and let himself under, he suddenly realised he wasn’t wearing plastic gloves. He turned to the Doctor, who was smoking a cigarette on a lawn chair.
‘Where can I get some gloves?’
‘There’s a box in the boot of the car.’
Digby turned back and made the fifty-yard journey back to where they’d parked. Gloves on gloves might be a bit over-extreme for some people but he’d knew he’d be fired on the spot if he didn’t follow forensic protocol. As he set off back towards the trailer he heard a whizzing above him. He looked up to see a trio of drones soar over him and enter the square.
‘Warning: Purge in progress. Any unauthorised presence will be removed.’ He then heard a whirr of machine guns followed by screams and his unit captain yelling ‘Get down.’ He threw himself to the ground. Just ahead of him was a large industrial metal wheelie bin. Could he crawl towards it for cover?
Just as he’d crawled two yards the drones circled around for another pass. This pass was much lower and was followed by more screaming followed by deathly silence. He looked up to see his hosts walk about in their white onesies with their mysterious copper chip on show. Could the drones have mistaken his laptop as a chip similar to the hosts?

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