Monday 27 August 2018

Rat Brewery Cinnamon Ratte at the Post Office Vaults, Birmingham

When it comes to coffee, cinnamon seems to be hard to get in this country. I first got treated in New York at the youth hostel, where a coffee and bagel for breakfast cost just under $5. Amazing. My next experience was in an Italian café which is generally considered to be the home of the cappuccino. A gorgeous young woman named Maria would serve me her coffee alongside a ham and cheese croissant; though she was the admiration of many of the locals as well. But getting this apple-flavoured topping in the UK has been quite the kerfuffle; not to mention that the syrups have been hidden away as well. Has the sugar police reached our coffee shops? Or have we yet to keep up with our European friends? But putting all these ingredients into a beer has just been amazing. You get your caffeine fix, booze fix and one of your five a day all in one glass.

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