Saturday 25 August 2018

Framework Ekuanot Simcoe at the Old Crown, Birmingham

The Old Crown is one of the oldest pubs in Birmingham. With its merchant house look on the outside and its timbered beams, it would be hard to argue otherwise. The bar is divided into two sections by a supporting beam which makes it difficult for the bar staff to see who’s waiting. There’s a large lounge to the side which offers views of the street corner; while to the right are some private dining rooms. Skirt through these and you arrive at one of the biggest beer gardens in the city. To be fair there is a lot of junk here which the Landlord supposedly stashes for his mates, but surrounding the chicken wire fencing are gazebos with benches underneath for those who like their beer in open air. It doesn’t necessarily serve the best beer in the city, but it does go out of its way to offer a beer that’s different from the norm.

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