Wednesday 22 August 2018

End of the Viking Gyt

It’s a shame when we have to depart with our cars. If you’ve had a car that’s been nothing but repair after repair after repair then it’s probably a bit of a relief, but when you’ve had a car that you’ve used for a while you’ve created a kind of bond. It’s been your trusty steed that’s conveyed you to many a place. So you sell it to make life easier for you with a new steed, but it’s always good to know where your old steed ended up. You may sell it to a family member, or to a dealer and be amazed when you see it on the road a month later in a much cleaner state. But it’s also sad when you hear that your ex-car is now write-off. And that’s exactly what’s happened to my old Peugeot when my cousin parked it on the hill and returned to find out that he was a victim of a hit and run incident.

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