Friday 10 August 2018

Solomon's Sorrows

Dear Mr Solomon,

Thank you for your letter asking me to invest in one of your properties. Here are four reasons as to why I won’t invest.

Firstly, your properties are in areas of public interest. Instead of allowing these properties open to the public, you restrict our access to them. Putting up a fence with a sign stating “Warning: Tree Protection Area” means that you’re preserving a few trees at the end of your new tenant’s back yard and prevents us from exploring the outside grounds of the building that was previously public access.

Secondly, the price of property is actually falling. These new houses that are actually built are making it cheaper for other people to move into pre-owned homes and no-one wants to fork out extra for a new home.

Thirdly, your first and third reasons are the same. You’ve just used a different graphic to illustrate the same point.

 Finally, you’re a sham. I’ve asked to subscribe from your e-mails numerous times which you ignore.
Please stop bothering me.

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