Monday 25 September 2017

You Had Me at Hello by Mhari Mcfarlane

You Had Me At HelloYou Had Me At Hello by Mhairi McFarlane
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

McFarlane takes us on a wild goose chase through her university years. We know she’s desperately in love with her protagonist; the question that dominates the book is whether or not he shares the same feelings. The flashbacks to the former university days can sometimes be confusing; and sometimes it’s difficult to figure out the context of each chapter. And also the actions of Rachel’s friends can sometimes be hard to follow; though ultimately they’re sub-characters that just offer advice. It’s probably why Ben and Rachel are the only believable characters in the story, and they have conversations and references that you can actually laugh about. Everyone else is just too annoying. I also thought that a character would have better intelligence than to overlook her protégée to her cost. But I did feel betrayed when Rachel revealed to the reader that she did sleep with Ben when I put so much trust in her earlier narration. But ultimately; you just her to find happiness with someone.

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