Thursday 7 September 2017

Coach House Brewing Co Duckworth's Delight at Olde Windmill, Gentleshaw

On our outbound journey, we passed through Cannock alongside a pub next to a large windmill. On our return trip, we called in; although it was quite dark by then so there wasn’t much that we could see. The pub has two large houses merged into one with its entrance in the corner. To the right is the popular dining room, which had lots of booths and snug seating and every table was occupied. To the left is a separate bar area with more snugs hidden away; and a large circular table was placed just in front of the main bar; forcing people to queue around it. Further left was a separate smaller bar; and just after that was a small annex hidden with fruit machines. The beer was in good nick and I managed to squeeze in a second half while everyone else were making their preparations to board the bus.

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