Friday 15 September 2017

Phoenix Double Gold at the Rising Sun, Redditch

A phoenix is a bit of a myth in itself. It’s usually a solo bird which renews itself through fire once its life has expired. So how does a double work? Is it proclaiming that a single phoenix only has the ability to be re-born once and that it’s cyclists done, thus making a double stronger? Or does one Phoenix become two? Does it follow the pattern of the mystic Hydra? And how would you know it’s the sane bird? Would it still keep its original characteristics? And would it reproduce like normal birds? Imagine having to look after your own mother after her re-birth. Not that that doesn’t normally happen in life anyway. So is that the re-birth when the offspring becomes the parent then the role is repeated when the offspring is re-born? And what happens if both re-births take place too soon? There could be heaps of trouble. 

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