Sunday 17 September 2017

Coach House Post Horn Pale Ale at the Rising Sun, Redditch

‘Make way, make way, the post is coming! You there, stand aside! Make sure that child doesn’t wander into the road! It’s going at full speed as it should have arrived an hour ago! Jenkins! Open the stable doors and get the lads ready to unload! Tell them they’ll have to finish their tea later!’
As the dust cleared, a thunder of hooves approached attached to four white horses followed by a wooden carriage containing some very frightened and green-faced passengers. The horses shot past the inn; and having clearly missed the entrance to the stables; swung a right at the next junction; its carriage struggling to stay on three wheels. The crowd, bemused by the fact that the driver had missed the entrance; stepped into the entrance of the stable doors.

‘Move move move; he’s coming back’ said the landlord; and sure enough the horses appeared directly in front of the inn. People scattered as the horses started to screech to a halt but came in at the wrong angle; and the rear wheel smashed into the entrance of the stables.

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