Tuesday 5 September 2017

Damn You Autocorrect 2! by Lyndsey Saul

Damn You Autocorrect! 2: More Hilarious Text Messages You Didn't Mean to SendDamn You Autocorrect! 2: More Hilarious Text Messages You Didn't Mean to Send by Lyndsey Saul
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book is full of sex and sleaze. Most text errors just have spelling mistakes; but these Americans manage to take it to a whole new level. Granted, there’s no-one actually doing it, but most entries imply that there’s something going on. From time with the family to getting closer with friends; we learn of the general public’s suggestive bad habits and their petite denial to cover their acts. The messages are funnier when you read of the receiver’s reaction rather than the sender’s (sometimes) attempts to correct themselves; though these are also amusing. Sometimes you want to get to see the story behind these texts and the relationships that these people share together but as they’ve anonymously donated them to a website; and hey don’t want people to delve too much into their private lives. It’s a book to make you titter and groan but there’s no real LOL moments. And we can only conclude that Siri is horny.

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