Sunday 3 September 2017

Beer Bingo

It’s eyes down for beer bingo. There are many methods that people use to win this simple game. There’s the humble student who likes to make notes about his opponent. There’s the happy-go-lucky newbie participant who relishes to try something new by pulling the levers in front of her with a supportive crowd behind her. And there’s the secret scorer who memorises the scores and scratches them off in their pockets to ensure that no-one can copy them. We also have a cheater that does exactly that, and let’s hope that no-one notices the giant mirror at the end of the bar. The giant lamps above are primed and ready to suck up any cash as soon as its placed upon the bar. Towards the end of the game, the locals will wander in hoping to scrounge a drink off the winners. But as long as they’ve got somewhere to sit, they’re happy.

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