Thursday 14 September 2017

Twit Twoo

I’ve been invited to Twoo. I’ve never heard of it until a random stranger invited me through e-mail. At first I thought it was spam so I headed over to Wikipedia to check it out. Turns out it’s a social networking site and it works like Tinder. So rather than give all my information in one go, I jump on the Facebook mobile to set myself up that way. I’m able to add a selection of photos which are rejected by the server twenty minutes later as my face isn’t big enough. It then picks a really ugly one to be my main profile photo; and not my current profile pic. Now I’ve got two likes and I still haven’t found the person who originally invited me. Not that I’m looking for him anyway. And why is it suggesting men when I’ve told it that I’m not looking for them. I need a serious social manager to screen this shit. 

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