Wednesday 6 September 2017

Backward Blackcurrants

Last week I had to trek over the fields to a beer festival. Being a hot day, I took a drink with me but as I wasn’t taking much else I decided to store my drink in my bag instead of my pouch as I wasn’t taking much else and this wouldn’t throw me off balance when leaping over gates and stiles. Low and behold; when I got to my destination I found that my flask had leaked. As well as soaking up my wallet, cash, and letters, it also soaked up my phone. I wasn’t too bothered as I was planning for a new phone anyway; the headphone socket had gone; it wouldn’t go into stand-by mode or turn off; and it became difficult to get any data signal. When I got home I tried drying it out then I put it onto charge. The phone would vibrate but nothing showed on the screen. So don’t bathe your phone in blackcurrant… 

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