Friday 8 September 2017

Lego City: Season 1

It’s great to see that the world of Lego has been brought to life in animation form. There’s no speech involved, but you can get the gist of what’s going on by their expressions. There’s not as much mockery in this series compared to some of the other animations out there; though they do make it interesting when their characters experience events that they haven’t planned for. The action mainly focuses on the crooks who seem to be able to break of jail in each episode; though occasionally some of the other emergency services are featured too. We never see the police preventing any new crime or arresting any new suspects; which makes life quite easy in Lego world. In later episodes the scene is set in a faraway land to make way for more disaster; but it still ends up ultimately being a police chase.  It’s worth a look but it can get a bit boring after a while as the music is quite repetitive.

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