Sunday 10 September 2017

The quest for a SIM card

I got my new phone. The problem was that I also needed a new SIM card as it took a smaller size than the old one. So as soon as I realised this, I jumped online and had a word with the O2 Gurus, and after a short chat which involved me trying to remember letters from my security password (which I only got when she told me the question), she popped one in the post for me. As it was coming directly from O2, I would have thought that it would have been pre-programmed for me; but this wasn’t the case. To activate the SIM card I had to fill out an on-line form with my mobile number. They then wanted to text me a code to verify my account; which of course I couldn’t do. The only way to get round it was to take the SIM card into a shop and get my identity verified in person. This didn’t take long; and amazingly they were happy to do it even though I didn’t buy the phone from them. And to put the icing on the cake; they made my bill even cheaper instead of removing my discount which I’m technically not supposed to receive any more! Bonza.

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