Tuesday 19 September 2017

Tickets and Tenners

I was a bit confused by this promotion; as I wasn’t quite sure what the tickets were for. I’ve never of the EFL; but there was a picture of a football on the pack. Did this just mean that tickets were to lower league games? And what’s the difference between this and the F.A cup? I have no interest in football so I had no idea what scores to predict for the matches that the computer displayed. In a friend’s fantasy football league, Paul’s Puppets always were at the bottom. Sadly, the promotion ended before I got the chance to put my other pack through; so I’ll never find out whether I won or not. But I did get a good snack for under a pound. It might have been a bit green on the edges, but it did the job. And I’m not surprised if anyone won anyway what with publishing each entry code on the front of the pack. Whatever happened to putting prizes inside of things? Suddenly, winning competitions suddenly becomes too much work.

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