I used to own a Dunlop leather
satchel. It was sturdy, fashionable, and it did the job until holes appeared in
the corners and every time I sat it down, more of the lining came out.
Eventually, it didn’t shut, and it had to go. I looked at the high street and
saw that they weren’t selling anything out of the ordinary. So I decided to get
something I really wanted; a TARDIS bag. Of course it’s only got limited space;
but it’s not something you see every day. I did have to wait a fair while for
it to arrive as it was shipped from China; and in the intern I saw a dalek
satchel which would have been even more novel. When it did arrive, I was a bit
dubious at first as the strap wasn’t very big, and I began to wonder if it was
child-size. But just like the TARDIS, it’s grown on me.
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Friday, 29 September 2017
Animal Monkey at the Rocklands Social Club, Redditch
It’s strange that monkeys are the
guardians of the beginning of the week; as usually they’re up for a bit of fun.
It’s also strange that there aren’t any other animals to represent other days
of the week. The humble sloth could represent Sunday, making it Sloday; and a Saturday
could become Tigerday; willing people to leap into action. But if you want to
positive spin on it, monkeys are the key to having fun during your working
week. It’s why they’re famous for wearing bowler hats. It’s just a shame that I
can’t jump up onto my boss’s desk and throw faeces at him. But, just like the
monkey, we’re forced to jump through whatever hoops are presented in front of
us to encourage our survival. If one monkey rebels, he is thrown out of the
troop. But if the whole troop rebels, that’s when things get interesting. And
if they rebel on a Monday, then the boss has got real problems for the rest of
the week.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Twitter Gets Lazy
I used to like reading stuff on
Twitter. I didn’t actually go on Twitter; I just read the e-mails that Twitter
sends me. But lately, they’ve got very blank. As I use e-mail more than
Twitter; instead of e-mailing me the usual content of who tweeted what, it’s
decided to send me a list of how many tweets that I’ve missed from each person
I follow. This makes for a very bland and pointless e-mail which quickly gets
deleted. And the tweets that it does decide to send me features retweets or
comments from others users that the people I follow follow, making it for a
very confusing conversation indeed. And now it wants to double the length of
our tweets. Does this mean that my pointless e-mails will get bigger? Will
Trump’s tweets be less offensive as he’ll have more space to express himself?
Will the Twitter bird double its size and become an eagle? What’s strange is
that no-one is actually tweeting about this.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
AJ's Ales Stuck in the Dog House at the Rocklands Social Club, Redditch
I’m in trouble. I’m solely responsible
for a project that’s long overdue and I’m having to hide behind other people’s
backs. It’s my fault; and yet there’s also a side of me that feels that it isn’t.
For starters, no-one is thinking positive about this whole organisation. There
are many arguments about what we should and shouldn’t do. And I’m also expected
to deal with issues left, right and centre as they develop; as people tend to
think that that I have more experience than them. So this doesn’t leave me with
a lot of apathy for what I do. I could stand to lose some good friends in this
organisation, but I’m kind of burning bridges already by not doing anything.
Should I disappear or surrender so that they can re-build without me? Or should
I go head-on without giving up; which is going to have a heck of effort put
upon me?
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Come Fly With Me
I think that this was one of the
last shows that Walliams and Lucas worked on together. The characters are
absolutely brilliant; and they’re all snubbed up or dumbed down as much as
possible. There’s also a storyline that all the characters have to react to. I
think it’s great how they take the mick of all the airport regulations in
u=such a novel way. It’s such a shame that they had to stop because of racism
issues; but they were only saying what everyone was thinking. It’s also a shame
that they couldn’t get every character into episode. I would like to have seen
more from Precious and the baggage handlers. There could have been a lot more
antics from Tommy too; it would have been great to see him get a second shot at
asking Keeley out. It’s also a shame that the BBC doesn’t seem to archive its
programmes anymore; Wikipedia seems to do a much better job.
Monday, 25 September 2017
You Had Me at Hello by Mhari Mcfarlane

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
McFarlane takes us on a wild goose chase through her university years. We know she’s desperately in love with her protagonist; the question that dominates the book is whether or not he shares the same feelings. The flashbacks to the former university days can sometimes be confusing; and sometimes it’s difficult to figure out the context of each chapter. And also the actions of Rachel’s friends can sometimes be hard to follow; though ultimately they’re sub-characters that just offer advice. It’s probably why Ben and Rachel are the only believable characters in the story, and they have conversations and references that you can actually laugh about. Everyone else is just too annoying. I also thought that a character would have better intelligence than to overlook her protégée to her cost. But I did feel betrayed when Rachel revealed to the reader that she did sleep with Ben when I put so much trust in her earlier narration. But ultimately; you just her to find happiness with someone.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Purity Pure UBU at the Windmill, Stratford Upon Avon
This pub is perfect for locals to
gather. It’s hidden at the end of the high street, away from the river and the
shops. It still has a half-timber frontage like any other pub in the town, and
inside there’s few features to distinguish it from the other venues. There’s
lounge-style seating right near the entrance for those who want to congregate away
from the bar in groups. The rest of the pub is devoted to nooks and crannies to
create table spaces for private dining. The beer was in good condition, and the
barmaid might have been friendlier if it wasn’t so close to closing time. The
patrons mainly seemed to be local businessmen looking for a quiet place to
unwind and use the free wi-fi before returning to their hotel. A couples was finishing
their evening meals. But it’s definitely one of the quieter pubs in the town;
with no music or entertainment available.
Saturday, 23 September 2017
Black Tap Beer and Music Festival
After a late shift at work, I
dropped into the Black Tap to sample a few beers. Luckily, I had the house to
myself for the weekend; so I didn’t have any rush to get back home. Unfortunately;
the night was in full swing, but I did manage to meet up with a friend and
share a table. I was hoping for more of a focus on the beer than just eight on
show; but the main emphasis was to get people through the door and buy
something to contribute to the entertainment. Tonight’s entertainment was a
request night from a DJ in a room that was barely twenty feet wide. It
therefore wasn’t surprising that we decided to take a wonder elsewhere once our
tasting session was satisfied. But we did pop back in the following day once we’d
checked out another beer festival at lunchtime. Here’s the beer was flowing
less, but the bands were in full swing.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Kodak Moments
Has the art of photography died? Is
it only to be used for lounge portraits and the paparazzi? No longer are we
forced to flick through slideshows of our friend’s holiday snaps. Instead we
can click through them on Facebook and press the like button to pretend that we’ve
seen them. There’s been a decrease in the humble digital photo frame thanks to
the increase of the internet. But there’s something about walking into someone’s
home to see a picture that they’ve chosen instead of a painted wall. It shows
their personality and their interests rather than something a designer has
picked out for them. With a digital frame; you can update them every time
someone comes to visit. It offers them a window on your life; and I’m
astonished that they’ve declined in an increasingly digital world. And that’s
why there’s still interest in photography; it showcases people’s creativity. Unless
we’re no longer encouraged to share each other’s lives in person.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Why I feel like a Minion
I’m a Stock Team Leader but I don’t
have much scope to lead my team. Often, it’s dictated by my manager; who in
himself is dictated by what we are set by our corporate office. He’s a maniac
in himself who just stresses too much and is easily distracted and often
struggles to listen to others. And our company values are too number-based and
don’t really treat customers as human beings with needs. I don’t receive much
planning of our daily activities and what I need to do. It doesn’t listen to
employee suggestions or when it does it passes them off as too expensive to
develop the workplace. And it also doesn’t tell me which hoops I have to jump
through in order to be considered for a promotion. I also feel that no-one
upstairs cares about people; only results. I just need some time to break free
and decide what to do instead.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Stephen King's It
I really enjoyed this film. It
was scary, it was well thought out with plenty of suspense moments and childhood
moments as well. The clown had a perfect form of evil; but with the amount of
power it wields it’s hard to see how the creature can actually die. I also
found it strange how at times one person decides to break away from the group
without giving the others an explanation. I’d also like some context on how
Pennywise came to be; which will probably encourage me to read the book. But I did
find it quite strange that the grown-ups couldn’t see the horrors that the kids
did. The characters are great; especially comedy Ritchie; and I kind of felt
that the kids were a combined washed-up gang from Stand by Me and The Goonies. It’s
great that despite the horror there’s also a combined sense of friendship, childhood,
and brotherhood. The clown’s dance is
perfect; starting off innocent and can change form whenever it pleases. But
soon these kids will struggle to learn what is real and what is not.
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Tickets and Tenners
I was a bit confused by this promotion;
as I wasn’t quite sure what the tickets were for. I’ve never of the EFL; but
there was a picture of a football on the pack. Did this just mean that tickets
were to lower league games? And what’s the difference between this and the F.A
cup? I have no interest in football so I had no idea what scores to predict for
the matches that the computer displayed. In a friend’s fantasy football league,
Paul’s Puppets always were at the bottom. Sadly, the promotion ended before I got
the chance to put my other pack through; so I’ll never find out whether I won
or not. But I did get a good snack for under a pound. It might have been a bit
green on the edges, but it did the job. And I’m not surprised if anyone won anyway
what with publishing each entry code on the front of the pack. Whatever
happened to putting prizes inside of things? Suddenly, winning competitions
suddenly becomes too much work.
Monday, 18 September 2017
That darn printer again...
It’s that time of year when ink
is running low; and you’re running out of places to go. You can buy it on the
cheap and wait to get it delivered; or buy it now at the nearest store. Fortunately,
I had the best of both worlds as I could get the new cartridges discounted from
work; meaning that I could get them at the same price without having to wait. But
I’ve got a terrible feeling that the ink’s just been left on top of the printer
in the sunlight. How many pages have we wasted because of that? And then there’s
fitting the darn thing. After turning the printer on and off a few times; I realised
that I was disconnecting and reconnecting the mouse cable instead of putting
the printer cable in. Luckily, the re-alignment process wasn’t too bad this
time; and I only had to use one sheet of paper to do it.
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Coach House Post Horn Pale Ale at the Rising Sun, Redditch
‘Make way, make way, the post is
coming! You there, stand aside! Make sure that child doesn’t wander into the
road! It’s going at full speed as it should have arrived an hour ago! Jenkins! Open
the stable doors and get the lads ready to unload! Tell them they’ll have to
finish their tea later!’
As the dust cleared, a thunder of
hooves approached attached to four white horses followed by a wooden carriage
containing some very frightened and green-faced passengers. The horses shot
past the inn; and having clearly missed the entrance to the stables; swung a
right at the next junction; its carriage struggling to stay on three wheels.
The crowd, bemused by the fact that the driver had missed the entrance; stepped
into the entrance of the stable doors.
‘Move move move; he’s coming back’
said the landlord; and sure enough the horses appeared directly in front of the
inn. People scattered as the horses started to screech to a halt but came in at
the wrong angle; and the rear wheel smashed into the entrance of the stables.
Saturday, 16 September 2017
Brains The Reverend James at the Black Lion Royal Hotel, Lampeter
The Black Lion Hotel is in an excellent
location on the High Street; though you do get all the action of buses;
nightlife and hustle and bustle fed through your window as well. There’s a
private car park but the locals can walk through it to access the other areas
of the town. The staff are very friendly despite rumours of the hotel closing
at the end of the month. The bar is well furnished but there’s not much
nostalgia within. The rooms are good value but need some much-needed work which
may not come about if the brewery is planning to close the premises. There’s no
bedside lighting but there is a phone (who uses these in hotels nowadays); and
the main light switch is in the corridor near to the door. The bedside table
also gets in the way of the bathroom door. The bathroom itself is very spacious
and clean, with a bath and hot shower; though it could be a bit more powerful
and have more shelves. There’s tea and coffee available and biscuits; providing
you can find some room to plug in the kettle. The staff can be less attentive
during breakfast; you may have to make your own space if not staying as a
group. But they are very friendly and cheerful and always help when asked.
Friday, 15 September 2017
Phoenix Double Gold at the Rising Sun, Redditch
A phoenix is a bit of a myth in
itself. It’s usually a solo bird which renews itself through fire once its life
has expired. So how does a double work? Is it proclaiming that a single phoenix
only has the ability to be re-born once and that it’s cyclists done, thus
making a double stronger? Or does one Phoenix become two? Does it follow the
pattern of the mystic Hydra? And how would you know it’s the sane bird? Would
it still keep its original characteristics? And would it reproduce like normal
birds? Imagine having to look after your own mother after her re-birth. Not
that that doesn’t normally happen in life anyway. So is that the re-birth when
the offspring becomes the parent then the role is repeated when the offspring
is re-born? And what happens if both re-births take place too soon? There could
be heaps of trouble.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Twit Twoo
I’ve been invited to Twoo. I’ve
never heard of it until a random stranger invited me through e-mail. At first I
thought it was spam so I headed over to Wikipedia to check it out. Turns out
it’s a social networking site and it works like Tinder. So rather than give all
my information in one go, I jump on the Facebook mobile to set myself up that
way. I’m able to add a selection of photos which are rejected by the server
twenty minutes later as my face isn’t big enough. It then picks a really ugly
one to be my main profile photo; and not my current profile pic. Now I’ve got
two likes and I still haven’t found the person who originally invited me. Not
that I’m looking for him anyway. And why is it suggesting men when I’ve told it
that I’m not looking for them. I need a serious social manager to screen this
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Artemis Fowl and the Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A sequel to a sequel. Life becomes difficult when you struggle to kill one of your character off. Yet all hell can be let loose when you decide to bring them back again. Especially when they’re thirsty for revenge. This is exactly what happens in Colfer’s latest adventure. It’s also good to see that Fowl can play the act of the stubborn teenager as well as a criminal genius. But I felt it a shame that Fowl’s memory recall was done all in one swoop; it would have been much more dramatic if it was pieced together in drips during each chapter. It’s as if Colfer wanted to get that aspect out of the way. But the chase across the abandoned wasteland to re-unite the characters worked very well. And the coup de grace to destroy the villain; while short; was certainly a nice surprise. What was interesting in this edition was that there was no Gnomish translation. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go out into the garden and dig a hole in the ground.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Electric Blues
We had an electrician come to our house the other day. As I understand
it, he was here to turn our fuse box into a circuit board. Initially I thought
that he was just popping round for a quote; but apparently he could do the
whole job in the same visit. This meant that as well as turning the power off
for the day; we also had to figure out where all the sockets were and turn
those off as well. When I got back from home; there were lots of timers for me
to re-program. He’d also moved a lot of stuff around for no reason. The
position of lamps. Headphones perched on top of my TV. And lots of stuff in the
garage. We also had to figure out how to re-program the security lights; as
well as the microwave. Eventually I gave up; pulled the plug; stayed up until
one in the morning then plugged it back in again.
Monday, 11 September 2017
Marstons 61 Deep at Seven Stars, Redditch
Two months have passed between the
rebranding of Marstons beers and me spotting the new logos on the bars. It’s
very confusing because at first glance you think the licensee’s finally changed
the barrel and put a new beer on the bar. I’d probably order it straight away
on sight; and only on reflection I’d realise that I’d had this beer before.
Others might think that they’ve had a change of ownership or have stopped
brewing completely. And they’ve celebrated the throwing away of their heritage
by brewing a new beer. This beer has a strange name; and not one that you’d
expect from a brewery based in the Midlands. If it was at a seaside town then
maybe I’d expect a nautical theme; but apparently the reference is to the
number of metres of the depth of the well at the brewery. It’s very nice though,
and the tropical fruit balances the bitter taste perfectly.
Sunday, 10 September 2017
The quest for a SIM card
I got my new phone. The problem
was that I also needed a new SIM card as it took a smaller size than the old
one. So as soon as I realised this, I jumped online and had a word with the O2
Gurus, and after a short chat which involved me trying to remember letters from
my security password (which I only got when she told me the question), she
popped one in the post for me. As it was coming directly from O2, I would have
thought that it would have been pre-programmed for me; but this wasn’t the
case. To activate the SIM card I had to fill out an on-line form with my mobile
number. They then wanted to text me a code to verify my account; which of
course I couldn’t do. The only way to get round it was to take the SIM card
into a shop and get my identity verified in person. This didn’t take long; and
amazingly they were happy to do it even though I didn’t buy the phone from
them. And to put the icing on the cake; they made my bill even cheaper instead
of removing my discount which I’m technically not supposed to receive any more!
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Helmsley Honey at Rocklands Social Club, Redditch
Honey isn’t exactly the first
thing that springs to mind when you think of beer. It’s more common in mead,
but it does work well with some of the stronger beers. It makes you wonder when
they add the honey to the brewing process; most people think of an old man
adding jars to the wort and giving it a good stir with an extra-long wooden
spoon. Some may be a bit more adventurous and think that the bees bring the
honey directly to the brewing vat. Or maybe it’s brought over by women with
giant swirls of honey upon their heads as the pump clip suggests. But how is it
done in reality? Do the honeycombs drip over the vat after being snatched from
the hive in the dead of night? Perhaps the hive is placed over the vat itself;
causing some very merry bees. But in reality it’s done just after the boil, or
in some cases it might be added to the cask before sealing it.
Friday, 8 September 2017
Lego City: Season 1
It’s great to see that the world
of Lego has been brought to life in animation form. There’s no speech involved,
but you can get the gist of what’s going on by their expressions. There’s not
as much mockery in this series compared to some of the other animations out
there; though they do make it interesting when their characters experience
events that they haven’t planned for. The action mainly focuses on the crooks
who seem to be able to break of jail in each episode; though occasionally some
of the other emergency services are featured too. We never see the police preventing
any new crime or arresting any new suspects; which makes life quite easy in
Lego world. In later episodes the scene is set in a faraway land to make way
for more disaster; but it still ends up ultimately being a police chase. It’s worth a look but it can get a bit boring
after a while as the music is quite repetitive.
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Coach House Brewing Co Duckworth's Delight at Olde Windmill, Gentleshaw
On our outbound journey, we passed
through Cannock alongside a pub next to a large windmill. On our return trip,
we called in; although it was quite dark by then so there wasn’t much that we
could see. The pub has two large houses merged into one with its entrance in
the corner. To the right is the popular dining room, which had lots of booths
and snug seating and every table was occupied. To the left is a separate bar
area with more snugs hidden away; and a large circular table was placed just in
front of the main bar; forcing people to queue around it. Further left was a separate
smaller bar; and just after that was a small annex hidden with fruit machines. The
beer was in good nick and I managed to squeeze in a second half while everyone
else were making their preparations to board the bus.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Backward Blackcurrants
Last week I had to trek over the
fields to a beer festival. Being a hot day, I took a drink with me but as I
wasn’t taking much else I decided to store my drink in my bag instead of my
pouch as I wasn’t taking much else and this wouldn’t throw me off balance when
leaping over gates and stiles. Low and behold; when I got to my destination I found
that my flask had leaked. As well as soaking up my wallet, cash, and letters,
it also soaked up my phone. I wasn’t too bothered as I was planning for a new
phone anyway; the headphone socket had gone; it wouldn’t go into stand-by mode
or turn off; and it became difficult to get any data signal. When I got home I tried
drying it out then I put it onto charge. The phone would vibrate but nothing
showed on the screen. So don’t bathe your phone in blackcurrant…
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
Damn You Autocorrect 2! by Lyndsey Saul

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This book is full of sex and sleaze. Most text errors just have spelling mistakes; but these Americans manage to take it to a whole new level. Granted, there’s no-one actually doing it, but most entries imply that there’s something going on. From time with the family to getting closer with friends; we learn of the general public’s suggestive bad habits and their petite denial to cover their acts. The messages are funnier when you read of the receiver’s reaction rather than the sender’s (sometimes) attempts to correct themselves; though these are also amusing. Sometimes you want to get to see the story behind these texts and the relationships that these people share together but as they’ve anonymously donated them to a website; and hey don’t want people to delve too much into their private lives. It’s a book to make you titter and groan but there’s no real LOL moments. And we can only conclude that Siri is horny.
View all my reviews
Monday, 4 September 2017
In or Out
There’s plenty of ways to make it
into Blighty without stowing away. You could simply set sail in a bathtub to
Ireland, then make your way across the border. Or why not settle in Ireland? It’s
a lot greener and a lot less crowded. And once you’re in Belfast, there’s
plenty of places to stake out. People tend to focus too much on the inhumane
conditions of the immigrants. But let’s not forget that they chose to run away
from their problems rather than deal with them head on. Why not just take
shelter in the nearest safe zone? Hell, there may even be an opportunity to
re-group and take back your territory. But there’s too much focus on caring and
not enough of ensuring that these people can look after themselves. These people
are welcome to visit our country but they must not be a hindrance to our
everyday lives.
Sunday, 3 September 2017
Beer Bingo
It’s eyes down for beer bingo. There
are many methods that people use to win this simple game. There’s the humble
student who likes to make notes about his opponent. There’s the happy-go-lucky
newbie participant who relishes to try something new by pulling the levers in
front of her with a supportive crowd behind her. And there’s the secret scorer
who memorises the scores and scratches them off in their pockets to ensure that
no-one can copy them. We also have a cheater that does exactly that, and let’s
hope that no-one notices the giant mirror at the end of the bar. The giant
lamps above are primed and ready to suck up any cash as soon as its placed upon
the bar. Towards the end of the game, the locals will wander in hoping to
scrounge a drink off the winners. But as long as they’ve got somewhere to sit,
they’re happy.
Saturday, 2 September 2017
Ring Fencing
Our banks have been forced to
spend thousands of pounds lately. They’ve had to place funds aside to pay out
for personal protection insurance. They’ve had to ensure that there’s funds to
cover us customers when their bosses take too big a cut. And they also need to
protect themselves against Brexit. That’s why ring-fencing has been set up; to
ensure that each part of the business stays separate from each other. In other
words, it sounds that there’s even less wealth to go round. But why the banks
are sending this information to me is a complete mystery. I suppose it’s
honesty; if it’s just described as maintenance work then we’d all be asking
what’s improved. But to send out a six-page letter to tell us all about it is
just a waste of more money; especially when they’ve e-mailed the document to me
as well. But the most frustrating thing of all is that for some reason they’ve
decided to print my sort code and account number on the bottom of every page. Why?
Friday, 1 September 2017
Palmer's Poison at the Red Lion, Longdon Green
Deep in the heart of the
Staffordshire countryside lies this giant mansion that’s amazingly been turned
into a pub. It’s owned by a restaurant group but it’s very welcome to drinkers
as well. It’s opposite the village green, but in the dark it feels as if it has
its own grounds. There’s a beautiful pillar archway on the doorstep to the pub,
and above the window is a stone carving of a red lion. Upon entry, there’s a
large variety of lunge seating with coffee tables to nest our drinks upon,
while a large restaurant faces the other side of the bar. There’s also oak
panelling and traditional tiles. The nibbles are excellent; and the tapas is
worth ordering but beware- the sausages are very addictive. I shared two
portions and my friend ordered a third for himself. The staff are very
welcoming but it’s just missing that bit of history that you hope to find here.
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