Monday 1 August 2016

George Wright Yellow Submarine at the White Star, Liverpool

This beautiful pub is in the heart of the city and is well preserved. Its tiled exterior is clean and crack-free, and shines out from the rest of the shopping precinct as a beacon among those weary for a pint. Inside, its interior is full of historical features; demonstrating that it’s stood the test of time against the shops around it. It’s tastefully decorated with White Star memorabilia, and is practically a living museum to the Titanic. The beer is beautiful; I tried George Wright’s Yellow Submarine; a pale ale with a zesty lemon flavour. But there’s a bit of confusion where it’s brewed, the brewery’s logo is hard to make out; but if you zoom in it states the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company in Liverpool. I ask at the bar who the brewer is; but I should have asked which brewery produces it; as I got a story about Matthew’s son who lives just down the road. But the answer that I think I was looking for was the George Wright Brewing Company. In truth, I’ll never know for sure if I’m right.   

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