Friday 26 August 2016

A Bengo Placard Holder Ventures Outside the Booth

Dear Boss,

I’ve had a fantastic day out since I’ve been kidnapped when you dumped your food on top of me without a second thought. Well, I got caught in someone’s paper bag, and I have to say that it’s good to get out of the office. It’s true that I spent most of it in darkness; but in the glimpses when the bag did open up, it was great to hear different sounds and smell different aromas. It was great to hear conversations other than people’s coffee orders for a change. I’ve heard hollow corridors, live music, sirens and even snoring. And the wind; the rustling of the wind going by; it was absolutely beautiful. It was chilling yet comforting at the same time. It was also a lot more powerful than the steam that gets squirted into people’s coffee cups. And now that I’ve been returned to my fellow placard holders, I want more. I always want to travel. So from today; I’ll always be up early jostling for that same spot. Who knows, it may even give me a future career in holding different placards.  

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