Monday 29 August 2016

How to Publish Your Own Book by Vernon Coleman

How to Publish Your Own BookHow to Publish Your Own Book by Vernon Coleman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Coleman’s handbook starts off with practical and impartial advice. He’s clearly had a lot of experience in dealing with both publishers and customers and his goal is to keep potential authors as independent as possible in order to maximise their revenue. But this is a guide which has been rushed through in order to make a quick buck with little thought to its structure. A lot of the ideas in the first chapter is duplicated throughout the rest of the book; repeating his opinions alongside his advice. He also seems to pay extortionate prices for his printing and stationary; and seems to lack the ability to shop around. The other aspect of his work that he fails to look into is the internet; though Amazon was still in its early stages when Coleman published his guide. For example; he only discusses copyright and libel issues after the book has been sent to the printer; by which time it is too late to change anything. He is also belittling with the advice that he provides; explaining how profits and percentages work.
Towards the end he gets very cynical about some of the organisations that he has had to deal with which quite frankly bored the pants off of me. Upon his conclusion (which doesn’t include any summing up or goodwill to the reader), his cynical manner becomes apparent again in the glossary section. However, what Coleman does do well is market some of his other titles – I’m particularly interested in Alice’s Diary. But I’m glad that I didn’t buy this book otherwise he would have received a letter with suggestions for improvements in his next edition and request for him to return my money.

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