Friday 19 August 2016

All along the Watchtower

Over the city skyline is a giant tower, which was perfect to help a friend navigate his way to us. At night, it was lit up like a UFO; and the streetlight that I was under when I took the picture made it seem like a second craft was just arriving. My friend arrived late to our pub crawl tour, and was on the phone trying to find the pub that we were in. He’d got a rough idea of whereabouts it was; but we were in a pedestrianised area which was something that his map didn’t show. When verbal directions failed; I popped outside to see if I could find him or find some local landmarks to help him find his way.
‘Can you see a giant tower with the words Liverpool FM anywhere?’
‘I’m right underneath it.’
‘Perfect. Turn to your left. Hello!’

And there he was, as if he’d just beamed down to us. Never has a giant tower been more useful. It’s a shame that we didn’t have the time to climb the tower; and so another visit to Liverpool must be organised in the very near future.

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