Wednesday 10 August 2016

Agents of Tellson's

‘Yes Sir?’
‘I need you in here now.’
‘What the Dickens’ mouthed Cruncher as he grabbed the screen of his laptop. He’d only been late by five minutes because of talking to the new receptionist. Young and athletic with a nice pair of legs; she was just like one of his ‘working girls’. However, as he walked down the corridor to Mr. Tellson’s office, he had a horrible feeling that his chance to ask her out for the evening was slowly slipping away.

‘Take a seat Cruncher, some urgent news has just come in. I know we've been promising you some extended leave but that’ have to wait. One of our FTSE companies has just announced plans to merge; and we just can't allow that to happen. The bank stands to lose a fair share of its assets; so we need this company to remain independent. We need to convince their board of directors that they're doing the wrong thing; and bring in some puppets to replace their players. We're not yet ready to lose this account.  

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