Monday 8 August 2016

Brakspeare Bitter at the Church Street Townhouse; Stratford upon Avon

I was quite nervous about visiting the Church Street Townhouse. I saw it as quite an upmarket hotel, so it was definitely somewhere to dress to impress rather than somewhere you call in after work. Last time I walked past, the first thing I saw was tables laid out for food. But I needn't have worried. The bar was quite small but modern. The few tables that were there were all occupied but there were empty barstools. I opted for Wychwood’s latest beer; Hoptathalon; but my first taste was very sour. A quick sniff smelled hints of vinegar; and this being my only pint of the weekend, I decided to take it back. The other beer on offer was Brakspeare Bitter; and bitter it was indeed. As I got halfway through my pint a band struck up; and they played extremely well. It's a shame that the beer wasn't good; otherwise I would have stayed for a second pint. 

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