Thursday 4 August 2016

Pint Taken Autumn EditoriAle

Phew, what a scorcher! This year’s summer was the hottest ever recorded; and many of us have taken advantage of the warm weather to squeeze in an extra holiday and cool off elsewhere; which is why this season’s issue is a few weeks later than usual. Don’t worry though; there’s plenty of relevant material inside…

This season’s cover pub is the Coach and Horses, found in Harvington near Evesham. It’s the 2016 Worcestershire County CAMRA Pub of the Year, and our sincere congratulations must go to Steve and Di for running this fantastic countryside community pub. We’re thoroughly looking forward to having a celebratory pint with them, and we hope you can too.

Autumn is best known for its hop harvesting; and many brewers rush to get these newly grown buds into their beers to create exciting flavours in their green-hopped beers while the oils are still fresh. And let’s not forget Oktoberfest; where pubs and breweries across the globe all pay tribute to the world’s biggest beer festival in Munich. Wunderbar!

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