Thursday 18 August 2016

Pub Tramps

A common haunt of town centre pubs are the typical pub tramps. If it’s a quiet night, you can guarantee they’ll be there chatting up the younger barmaids desperate for their custom or counting out their pennies for their next pint. Occasionally, they may be spotted outside smoking a roll-up or sobering up with some fresh air. Always wearing the same clothes; what they do during the day is an absolutely mystery; though they’re probably out earning their beer money. Their drink of choice is the highest strength pint at the lowest possible price; with a chaser to match if it’s been a good day or some kind sod has offered to buy them a drink. If you’re a regular; they’ll instantly give you a friendly nod at the bar in recognition in the hope that you’ll oblige them; or start moaning about the happenings of today. Occasionally they’ll often enter into full conversation with people you know when you arrive; forcing you to acknowledge their existence and recognise them.  And being locals themselves; they can often gain power over you through knowing the bar staff. But when they’re in there every day, you just have to wonder if they’ve ever managed to set foot outside of the town?  

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