Wednesday 24 August 2016

World of Robots

Ben sighed. It was the fifth day of the robot riots; and he'd been called out again to fix the same machine. It had malfunctioned twice in the last three days and had been vandalised for the last three nights running. He'd suggested that a crew of guards should have been kept on site but the company said that they didn't have the resources available. Today though; the company were losing even more money and wanted him to remain on-site before it was done. Once he'd seen photos of the latest damage estimates and had calculated the amount of time that it would take; he'd have to request a full security crew to ensure that his safety was ensured. The company said that they'd have to check who was available; but he really knew that they were checking the union regulations and how they could achieve it at the lowest possible cost. In the end they accepted with the condition that he was report to the company's engineering division at 4am so that they could escort him to the site   It was now 4:25 am and still no escort had arrived. He’d called his support team but of course the switchboard was closed.  

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