Friday 12 August 2016


Vicky is a young secretary who’s just managed to join the typing pool. It's hard word; but it's a job, and it’s allowed her to move out of her parents houses do into since posh flat on her own. Independent and single, she hits the wine bars with her friends now that she's got some money coming in. But after a particularly hard night of partying; she ends up assaulting her taxi driver as he's stealing the jobs of the British. When she's sentenced by the police she's given a choice: either two months in prison or 300 hours of community service. Then the bills hit home; and she realise that if she goes to prison she'll lose her job and the flat; so she'll spend forever losing her party privileges in order to fulfil her sentence. While commuting on the tube one day, she sees an ad to make some extra cash by becoming a foster parent. If she could adopt a teenager she'd get some money off the government and the school would take care of the kid in the weekday. So she'd be able to help out five nights a week leaving 48 hours to wing it…

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