Sunday 28 August 2016

On the line

I’ve just had a gripping experience waiting in a queue for the gents. It’s not something that we chaps often do, but when you know it’s coming out of the rear end you’ve got no choice. So there you stand, listening to other people tooting their rear horn behind closed doors; while the urinal users behind you come and go; all in the knowledge of what you’re about to do. And when it gets messy, you just have to put up with it. There’s no real hope of being totally clean until you get home, as the sinks are all out there next to the urinals. You also have to consider the flush; for those waiting outside it’s a glimmer of hope that you’ll soon be leaving your cubicle; yet there’s the task of buttoning up afterwards. And if there’s people waiting before you in line, you know that the older and bigger they are; the longer they’ll take. 

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