Thursday 11 August 2016

Thwaites Wainwright at the William Gladstone, Liverpool

This was a good beer from a bland pub, and in all honesty, we were only here to scan the Cask Marque certificate. Even though it was in good nick, a quick look round the pub showed that the beer was only there as part of a portfolio of some marketing guy’s idea of what a pub should be. We could also tell by the volume of the music and the amount of plates left on the tables. We hovered on the bar just long enough to finish our drinks, and it was literally in at one end and out of the other, since you could actually walk through this pub from one street to the other. There were fake chalkboards advertising drink deals and live sport; but there was nothing that made it stand out as a particularly special pub. Even its website only advertises it as a meeting point to start a night out rather than somewhere to spend the entire evening. It was a very forgettable experience. 

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