Wednesday 3 August 2016

Ali Fitton checks out the Weatheroak Taphouse

Weatheroak Ales are proud to announce their latest outlet; The Weatheroak Taphouse in Studley! Brewers Dave and Toby Smith have been busy converting a former wedding shop on Studley High Street into the village’s first micropub; which has allowed them to downsize and move over from the Victoria Works. The result is just what they wanted; a micropub which allows them to sell their own beers in a great pub atmosphere. Up to five ales are available from the nearby Weatheroak Brewery; alongside a guest ale which is usually from the Warwickshire area. The pub also sells a Kolsch-styled keg lager from the Wye Valley brewery named 1985; which was launched this summer. Customers are welcome to bring their own food; and there’s no shortage of takeaways in Studley! The pub is perfect for a pint and quiet conversation; and Dave says that the Weatheroak Taphouse has been very popular with the locals.

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