Wednesday 17 August 2016

Southport Soundgrounder at The Welkin, Liverpool

Many people would cringe at the mere idea of visiting a Wetherspoons pub in a city with so many
great venues nearby. But for our needs, it was ideal to pop in and get a good value meal and a Cask Marque scan at the same time. While this Wetherspoons wasn’t particularly pleasing in its architectural design; the pub had done enough of its homework to link the venue with a historical connection; in this case the father of English Astronomy. Jerenich Horrocks was a native son of Liverpool and the Wrekin is an Old English word for sky. While the food wasn’t served in as quick a manner as we would have hoped; the curry was still of good quality. However, many people were waiting around eyeing up other tables; and the busy pub quickly became full of diners trying to work out who ordered before who and whether the service was being fulfilled in the right order. Although we had a wait; I felt that we were relatively in sync compared to some of the customers before us. But as we left; the waiting area was full of plated meals under heat lamps; and a small crowd had begun to gather. We did actually return to the same pub on the same night; but only so that a friend who had just joined us could grab something to eat. Luckily for him, there was a good beer selection…

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