Tuesday 29 April 2014

White Van Man

Today I became a proper man; a man who drives a white van in fact! Now I too can roll down my window and say ‘ol right darlin’ as I drive past; smashing into the lorry in front of me as I go. It’s quite strange, driving from a different height though. It’s quite a stretch to reach the handbrake then you’ve got to remember that the gearstick is a lot shorter and there’s extra gears to play with. No rear view mirror but there’s a good parking sensor to help you park and extra wide mirrors to see who’s on your behind. There’s a limiter to limit your speed which is not to be confused with the indicator; and a small wheel for steering; surprising given the size of the lorry. Half the time I do feel that I’m driving as if I’m standing up; but I need to get used to it quite quickly as otherwise there’ll be plenty of time for swinging it round corners and across the curb!

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