Wednesday 9 April 2014

Making a Splash

I’m getting better at underwater swimming. I always seem to struggle with the first surface dive of the day, but on the second one I seem to have a better grasp and tend to be in better training, with a further two strokes underwater. What I am finding it hard to do is to try and find room to surface dive. I often find the pool full or people in the same lane; and can’t always anticipate which way they’re going to swim; especially when the lanes are removed; even though there is more room. Everyone just soaks up the space and swims around each other and not in a straight line.  Within the lane system it gets tighter, as I have to pick a passing pint for other swimmers so as not to crash into them. Often, it creates a backlog as I set myself a minimum of five dives a session; which I then have to carry onto other sessions if the pool is too busy.

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