Friday 25 April 2014

Sunny Scarborough

I'm in sunny Scarborough! Well, I'd like to say sunny but a horrible sea mist has descended upon the town, making visibility next to impossible. After settling into our digs for the weekend, we found a nice nearby pub called the cask inn to wet our whistles. After completing our cask marque scan and enjoying a golden swallow; we went for a stroll along the promenade where we couldn't actually see anything at sea. It was great to see all the traditional arcades though with all their lights; there's even a Zoltan machine from the Tom Hanks movie; Big. Food was next on the agenda and after failing to find any fish and chip shops open; we settled for an American themed diner that sold gigantic burgers. After stuffing ourselves full of meat, it was time to explore more pubs. My favourite was the Cellars where a Blues band were playing, and someone fell to the floor and struggled to get up again after several pints of the blackjack IPA. 

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