Saturday 5 April 2014


I need to find a new source of energy. As I arrived home last night I was completely out of energy to even look at a community project. I turned on the computer, looked at the TV, and felt totally shattered. In the morning I set my alarm for a 6am start to get a gym session in, but couldn’t even move. Although I was awake, I couldn’t actually stir until an hour before work. The exact same thing happened tonight; as I put on Haywire, watched a feature-length episode of Family Guy, then flicked over to Wanted. If I’m going to succeed with even shorter hours over the next few months, I definitely need to knuckle down and focus a lot more. I don’t think I can find a stimulant; just a lot of discipline. So to be braver I need to push harder and longer, whatever the cost.

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