Wednesday 23 April 2014

That cynical landlord

It’s funny when you seek a fresh perspective from the landlord. True, we know he’s the gaffer and he decides who gets to be served next and whether he can get away with flogging you with another pint while you’re swaying on top of your bar stool but there is also the Landlord’s Opinion. For sure, you don’t want to question their opinions so that you can continue to enjoy your pint. But we know that they can be cynical bastards too, especially when it comes to other establishments. ‘That’s not a pub, it’s a broom cupboard with a wardrobe extension’, you might hear when discussing the latest uber-trendy bar. Another one you might hear is, ‘Oh, I think it’s just an opening offer, normally its £10.20 for two drinks’. But you have to take what you hear with a pinch of salt and go out there and experience it for yourself. Going by what other people say is sometimes overrated, especially when they’re the jealous type because you’ve put your coffers somewhere else…

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