Tuesday 22 April 2014

The computers are in charge...again.

So yesterday was a day I intended for lots of action. I got an article completed, I went to the gym, I got ready for lunch. And then with the afternoon cancelled; it was time to catch up on some work from CAMRA land. And on went the computer, onto the mighty internet to buy things. And Internet Explorer just would not work. It opened, it crashed, it restarted, it crashed, the computer was turned off and on again and a dance was performed in honour of Zap, the god of technology. Neither of these worked, but the phone was connecting just fine. So onto Norton to find out what was wrong with my computer which could not load either, but it did decide that something was wrong with Norton. Norton wanted to go onto the Internet to check this but couldn’t because IE wouldn’t load. Fortunately I have iTunes installed which meant that I could set Safari as my default browser so that Norton could get things fixed. After a brief download and a Norton scan later, everything got fixed, but to this day I have no idea what it was apart from an error code with lots of numbers. Zap does not make things easy. 

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