Sunday 6 April 2014

Team Walsall En Force!

Yesterday was a great day in Walsall and I am proud of how people have come together. While we didn’t get any actual new recruits on the day, we did have people who had already decided that they would venture out to join us. It was a great chance for people to meet and greet each other from other branches and to start the process of a support network. After meeting and greeting each other at the festival, a local guide took us to our first pub; the Fountain. People were a little apprehensive at first as some of them haven’t been on a crawl like this before; but everyone soon got talking to each other and finding out a bit more what they do within CAMRA. We visited a further three pubs, and had an excellent time seeking out many other beers that I hadn’t tried before. It’s just a shame that I felt queasy the day after.

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