Monday 14 April 2014

Winter Fuel

On Saturday I went to watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It’s quite rare for me to go to the cinema on a Saturday night, usually I’m in the pub but a duty to see a Marvel film that’s been on, coupled together with a friend who I haven’t seen in a while made a good combination. I was actually struggling to stay awake on the journey back home so the fact that I managed to make it through the film without falling asleep was very impressive. It must have been all the action and explosions that kept me going. Afterwards it was definitely pub time where we retired to the Rising Sun to catch up with a pint of Black Geld from Wharfbank brewery in Yorkshire. This was a dark Indian Pale Ale which was rich is flavour and a very nice taste, leaving it moreish but savouring the taste was wanting too. I was tempted by a second pint but tiredness slowly began to kick in, and as my friend was ready too, we retired to Bedfordshire.

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