Thursday 3 April 2014

Itsy Bitsy

Today featured a gym visit and, although I had a lazy  Monday, there was still a chance to make a little bit of progress to recover. Though perhaps Monday’s lie-in was a good thing as there was no water for the showers. Not sure how long that’s been going on. But there’s still the exercise bikes that don’t work when you attempt to change the touchscreen settings; and the TVs on the treadmills aren’t receiving anything either, probably because they’re stuffed with bog roll. The car park’s in a disarray because of the road being dug up to look at the water supply, which means that cars are all over the one-way system. And one of the ends of the chest press has wandered off. Still, at least the biceps curl has finally been fixed. I have toyed again with the idea of joining the cheaper town centre gym; but the view is so much nicer here. Then again, I may have to look at accessibility options when I start the new job…

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